Sophie Fenwick: New York Waterfront Diary

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• This photographic narrative of the New York waterfront composed by Sophie Fenwick stems from her desire to create a visual archive of a view of the Big Apple that is as unusual as it is evocative


These previously unpublished images of New York's waterfront are presented here as part of a unique editorial project: the iconographic perspective is analysed and discussed in Pauline Vermare’s interview with Sophie Fenwick, and finds further literary development in the photographer’s poetry, on which she started working during the pandemic and is used here to accompany the visual narrative. The language of photography is used here — in a series of black and white and color shots — to retrace the memory of a transformation and to express the urgency of documentation that in these pages evolves from personal to universal. The invitation to travel voiced by Fenwick is visual poetry articulated in a series of pictures, each of which possesses the potential to become a true icon. Text in English and French.

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